Siri says Nokia Lumia 900 the best smartphone ever


When iPhone 4S users ask Apple’s virtual personal assistant Siri which smartphone is the best ever, the Nokia Lumia 900 takes the honor.

Nokia's Lumia 900 is the best smartphone ever, according to Siri.

Apple’s Siri virtual personal assistant certainly has said some rather interesting things in the past. But to diss its overlord seems a bit much, don’t you think?

When iPhone 4S owners ask Siri which smartphone is the best ever made, the obviously disgruntled virtual personal assistant responds saying it’s the Nokia Lumia 900 4G running on AT&T’s network. It goes further, stating that the Cyan-colored Lumia 900 stands above all others.

Although it may seem a bit odd that Apple’s own service would recommend another phone, it actually makes sense. Siri looked for the answer on Wolfram Alpha, which points to the Lumia 900 when users type in “what’s the best smartphone ever?” The high rating…

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